Gina Campbell, LCSW, MDiv

Ten Tips for Getting Better Sleep Naturally

We’re well into fall now…the trees are losing their leaves, the wind is blowing and it’s time to cozy up. Fall is a beautiful time and a season of letting go but it can also be a time of restlessness. School and work are in full swing and everyone senses the holidays coming. It’s a […]

Mindfulness for Anxiety

Are you wondering if mindfulness and meditation really help with anxiety? The short answer is, yes. There’s now a solid body of research demonstrating the effectiveness of mindfulness and meditation techniques for anxiety.  There are many very specific techniques from mindfulness and meditation that can help calm anxiety and can help you cope even when […]

The Power of Routine

As summer winds down and fall begins, there is a lot of talk in the therapy room about how grateful many of my clients are about getting back into a routine. In summer, we often enjoy letting go of our usual routine and schedules a bit and that can be freeing. But when we live […]

Why Mindfulness Matters

Are you sick of the word “mindfulness” yet? You’re not alone. The word has become so overused in the media and society in general in the past ten years that it’s in danger of losing meaning altogether. On top of that, the definitions of what exactly mindfulness is vary so widely that it’s just plain […]

The Struggle Switch

There are some psychological patterns that come up in nearly every therapy session, with every client, because we ALL experience them. One that tops this list is our tendency to want to push away difficult thoughts and feelings. We don’t want to feel what we feel and often engage in a struggle against our thoughts […]

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