Gina Campbell, LCSW, MDiv

Questions to Ask When Looking for a Therapist, Counselor or Psychologist in Des Moines

Questions to ask when looking for a therapist, counselor or psychologist in Des Moines

So you’ve finally identified a therapist in Des Moines that you think might be a good fit for you but you can’t know for sure until you talk to them. Sure, you can read their website or Psychology Today profile but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re the kind of person you’ll connect with. How do you figure out whether a therapist is right for you? Here are some questions to ask a therapist in Des Moines:

What do you specialize in?

You want to know whether the therapist has specialized in something that is going to be a good fit for you and the type of problem you’re dealing with. For example, if you are looking for help with an eating disorder you really need someone who specializes in that. 

What type of therapy do you offer?

There are many different types of therapy. First, you want to know if the therapist has been trained in a specific type of therapy. Ask them why they chose to train in that specific therapy. What is it about the approach that they find effective and helpful? Then, once you know the name of the therapy, go Google it yourself. Reading up on the type of therapy will give you a better sense of whether it is an approach that you’ll like. 

How would you describe your style of working with clients?

I know of one therapist who describes herself as a “not just a nod and smile therapist.” You can learn a lot about a therapist by asking them to describe how they interact with their clients. Honestly, finding the right therapist has a lot to do with finding the right personality match for yourself. Some clients prefer therapists who are more active in the session while others want someone who gives more space by listening and speaking less. 

I truly believe there is a right fit therapist for everyone and that you can find this for yourself. Don’t stop looking and interviewing therapists until you find someone you click with- you’ll know it when you find it!

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